Chapter 2: Exploring the Clarion Call


Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Stardust. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.


First Diary Entry

I can hardly believe it, I finally did it! I went exploring on my own for the first time today. I've always wanted to do this, ever since I was a little girl. I've always been fascinated by the ancient ruins and artifacts that dot the landscape of Datura, and I've always wanted to know more about them. Today, I finally got my chance.

I set out early this morning, before the sun was up. I didn't want to tell anyone where I was going, I wanted to do this on my own. I took a pack of supplies with me, and my trusty flashlight, and set off into the wilds.

It was a long hike to the first ruin I wanted to visit, but I didn't mind. I was so excited to finally be doing this. The first ruin was an ancient temple, built into the side of a mountain. I climbed up the stairs, and when I reached the top, I was awestruck by the view. I could see for miles, and the sun was just coming up, casting an orange glow over everything.

I spent the whole day exploring the temple, taking notes, and sketching the carvings and statues. I found an old chest in one of the rooms and I couldn't resist taking a look inside. I found an old necklace, with a locket hanging from it. I couldn't believe my luck. I put it on right away, and I felt like it was meant to be mine. I still wear it today, and it's become a lucky charm for me.

I returned home late that night, tired but exhilarated. I couldn't wait to do it again. I've been exploring ever since, always looking for a way to help the people she encountered and using her skills and her wits to solve problems and make a difference.


The initial scan of the Clarion Call showed it's a multipurpose starship that is designed for long-distance exploration and transport. It is a sleek and modern vessel, with a sturdy, reinforced hull and a powerful propulsion system. The ship is equipped with advanced sensor arrays and a variety of communication and navigation tools, making it ideal for navigating the treacherous depths of the Forge.

Significant hull damage could be seen as the ship is tilted at an angle and has a large gash across the left side. Smoke and sparks are coming out of the engines. The bridge is completely destroyed and debris from the crash is scattered around the area of the impact. 

Life signs are showing on board the ship but the readings are weak and it's difficult to tell whether they are human or not. The Clarion Call was definitely attacked before it crashed on the asteroid. Life support is failing and the power is fluctuating inside the ship.

[Face Danger +wits: 6+3=9 vs 7/1 Strong Hit. Momentum already full]

I landed the Stardust as close to the Clarion Call as possible and put on my EVA suit before slipping out onto the asteroid. I did a quick scan of the damage that the Stardust took during the meteoroid storm and it wasn't as bad as I thought. With the proper materials, it was an easy fix. Maybe the Clarion Call would have what I need to make the repairs after I help the survivors. 

[Ask the Oracle: Has Abby ever encountered Gnawlings? Likely. 88. No she hasn't]

I scanned the hull of the Clarion Call with my handcomp. There were many small holes due to asteroid impacts? Must've been hit by a meteoroid storm like I did, maybe? There was also biological traces around the holes that my scanner couldn't figure out. 

"Time is wasting" I mumbled before opening the airlock into the Clarion Call.

[Undertake an expedition +wits: 2+3=5 vs 7/3 Weak hit. Progress at cost]

 The airlock opened into a dimly lit, cramped maintenance corridor. The walls are covered in grime and rust, and the air is thick with the smell of mold and decay. The floor is slick with condensation and the sound of dripping water echoes through the passage. The corridor splits off in several directions, leading to various compartments and systems of the derelict. I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched, and the eerie silence only adds to the sense of unease.

As I made my way through the dimly lit maintenance corridor of the Clarion Call, I heard a faint scratching sound coming from around the corner. I cautiously approached my hand on my sidearm, ready for anything. But what emerged from the shadows was not what I expected. 

A small, furry creature scurried out from around the corner, its long, jutting fangs bared as it hissed at me. Its spider-like limbs moved with a disturbing fluidity, propelling it quickly across the floor toward me. I could see now that it was one of the infamous gnawlings, a rodent-like pest that is common aboard starships throughout the Forge.

I froze for a moment, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the creature. But as it lunged towards me, its hungry gaze locked onto my face, I reacted quickly.

[Battle +heart: 1+3=4 vs 8/7 Miss. Burning 10 momentum to make it a strong hit. +2 momentum (4)]

I kicked out with my foot, sending the gnawling flying back into the shadows from where it came. I knew I had to be careful, as even one gnawling is not a grave threat individually, but they're capable of quickly overrunning even a large vessel.

[undertake an expedition +wits: 6+3=9 vs 8/8 strong hit with a match. Mark progress (4 boxes)]

As I make my way down the maintenance corridor, the dim emergency lighting casting eerie shadows on the walls, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. I've yet to find any sign of survivors or valuable salvage. But then, as I round a corner, I'm met with an unexpected sight.

The corridor opens up into a large, open chamber, and it's immediately clear that this was once the ship's cargo hold. But instead of being filled with debris, the room is now home to a thriving hydroponic garden. Rows upon rows of colorful plants and vegetables stretch out before me, their leaves rustling gently in the artificial breeze.

The sight of all this greenery is a welcome respite from the gloomy, lifeless ship. I spend some time wandering the garden, marveling at the variety of plants and the care that must have gone into maintaining them. I also found a small stash of tools, which will be useful for my next exploration. And I couldn't help but smile, this is a good find.

[Undertake an expedition +wits: 6+3=9 vs 9/1 weak hit. mark progress at cost (6 boxes)]

As I leave the hydroponic garden, I find myself in a dimly lit cargo bay. The air is thick with the smell of rotting food and the sound of scurrying creatures echoes through the cavernous space. I shine my flashlight around and see stacks of crates, some of them opened and ransacked, others still sealed. I can't help but wonder what valuable goods might be hidden within.

As I move deeper into the cargo bay, I notice that the floor is slick with some kind of slick, oily residue. It's making my footing treacherous and I have to be extra careful not to slip and fall. The residue also seems to be drawing the attention of a group of gnawlings, who are now scurrying toward me from all directions. I quickly realize that I have to find a way out of this cargo bay before the gnawlings overwhelm me.

[Face Danger +wits: 3+3=6 vs 6/3 weak hit. Success at cost -1 spirit (4). Endure Stress 5+4=9 vs 8/5 Strong hit. Embrace the darkness +1 momentum (5)]

I try to move quickly, but the oily residue is making it difficult for me to gain traction. I can hear the gnawlings getting closer and closer, their chittering growing louder and more frantic. Just as I'm about to give up, I spot a ladder leading up to a catwalk. I make a run for it, and thankfully, I manage to reach the catwalk and climb up to safety, my heart beating in my chest and the fear that I was almost food for the little rodents. 

Once I'm out of the cargo bay, I take a moment to catch my breath. I can still hear the gnawlings below, but they can't reach me up here. I take a quick look around, and I realize that this catwalk is leading me to an area that is still sealed off, it could be a valuable discovery or the survivors that I'm looking for.

[Undertake an expedition +wits: 4+3=7 vs 6/2 Strong hit. Mark progress (8 boxes)]
[Finish an expedition 8 vs 4/2 Strong hit (add 2+1 from explorer ticks to discovery tracks. Now at 1 box 2 tick)]

As I leave the cargo bay, I find myself entering the crew quarters of the derelict ship. The area is in disarray, with debris and broken furniture scattered about. I quickly realize that there must have been a struggle here before the ship met its demise.

As I navigate through the maze of overturned bunks and shattered monitors, I hear faint sounds of movement coming from one of the rooms. My heart races as I approach, unsure of what I may find. But as I enter the room, I am relieved to find two survivors, a man, and a woman, huddled in the corner, their faces etched with fear and exhaustion.

"Thank the stars," one of them said, looking up at me with tear-streaked eyes. "We thought we were the only ones left."

I approached them slowly, my hand on my blaster just in case. "What happened here? How did you crash?"

The taller of the two, a woman with short blonde hair, spoke up. "We were on our way to a mining colony in the Tempest sector. We were hit by some kind of energy storm and lost control of the ship. We managed to send out a distress signal, but by the time we crash-landed, it was too late."

"And the Gnawlings?" I asked, looking around the room warily.

The other survivor, a man with a thick beard, shook his head. "We don't know. They must have come on board when we were loading up the cargo. We didn't realize they were there until it was too late. They've destroyed everything, eaten through the power cables, and disabled the engines."

I felt a sense of dread wash over me. "We need to get out of here before they come back."

The survivors nodded, their faces filled with gratitude. "Thank you," the woman said. "We don't know what we would have done without you."

"Don't thank me yet," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "We still have to get out of here. I was able to avoid them without fighting them and if we backtrack we can make it to my ship. Once there I can take you back to Nexus Station"

[End of session summary. Momentum 5, Health 5, Spirit 4, Supply 5, Ship Integrity 3, Discovery track 1 1/2 boxes. ]
