Chapter 3: Back into the Void


Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Stardust. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.


Dear Diary,

Today was one of the most exciting days of my life. I finally got to go on my first real exploration of the ruins on Datura with my father. We set out early in the morning and hiked through the toxic rain and virulent fungal infestations. I was a little nervous at first, but my father showed me how to use the protective gear and I felt much better.

We arrived at the ruins and it was like nothing I had ever seen before. The ancient architecture was so different from anything in Wellspring. I couldn't believe that people had built such incredible things so long ago. My father and I spent hours exploring the ruins, finding artifacts, and uncovering secrets. We even found an old data terminal that still had some information on it.

I was so excited by the end of the day that I couldn't stop talking about it when we got back home. I can't wait to go on more explorations and see what other secrets Datura holds. I've already made a list of all the other ruins I want to visit.

I think I might want to be an explorer when I grow up.




After making my way back to Nexus Station and dropping off the survivors, I made my way to Mave and updated her on my progress so far. I showed her all my findings of the asteroid emitting the strange energy readings and of the alien script it had written on it. I asked her if she knew of any scientists onboard Nexus Station that would be able to help me and she made a call to introduce me to someone.

[Make a connection +heart: 6+3=9 vs 10/3 weak hit. Make a connection but comes with a price.]

As I walked through the bustling market of Nexus Station, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. I had just finished repairing my ship, Stardust, after my last exploration and was ready to head back out to find that energy source Mave asked me to find.

That's when I saw her. A large, eccentric woman with wild hair and a friendly disposition. She was surrounded by a group of people, all of whom seemed to be hanging on her every word. I approached her, unsure of what to expect.

"You must be Locket," she said, smiling warmly at me. "Mave has told me so much about you. I'm Janya Ammar, but you can call me Hush."

"Nice to meet you, Hush," I said, returning her smile. "Mave speaks highly of you too."

"I hear you've been exploring the derelict ships in the Forge," Hush said, her eyes sparkling with interest. "I'm an archaeologist, and I specialize in the study of ancient alien cultures. I might be able to help you with those strange alien writings you found on the asteroid."

"That would be great," I said, my excitement growing. "I've been trying to decipher them for weeks now but haven't had any luck."

"I can help you, but my help will come at a price," Hush said, her expression growing serious. "I've been searching for an object for a long time, a rare artifact of an ancient alien civilization. If you can find it for me, I'll use my expertise to help you decipher those writings."

I thought about it for a moment, weighing the potential benefits and costs. "What kind of object are we talking about?" I asked.

"It's a small, intricately carved crystal, said to have been created by an ancient alien race known for their advanced technology," Hush said. "It's said to have the ability to unlock hidden potential in technology. It's rare and valuable, but I assure you, it shouldn't be that hard for you to obtain."

I nodded, considering her offer. "I'll do it," I said. "I'll find that crystal for you and in return, you'll help me decipher those alien writings."

[swear an iron vow: Find the Crystal for Hush and bring it back to her at Nexus Station (dangerous) +heart: 6+3+1(connection) =10 vs 9/9 Strong hit with a match. +2 momentum (7)]

"Excellent Here are some coordinates to a place where you can start your search for the crystal," Hush said, her smile returning. "I'll be here in Nexus Station, waiting for your return. Good luck, Locket."

[Ask the Oracle: Are the coordinates that Hush gave Abby related to that abandoned outpost Abby found? Unlikely: 27 No]

"I need to finish something for Mave first before I can get the Crystal for you if that's okay?" I said.

"That's fine, Locket. I'll be here working on deciphering these writings for you."

I said my goodbyes and made my way back to Stardust and left to continue my mission for Mave.


[Undertake an expedition +wits: 1+3=4 vs 3/1 Strong hit Mark progress (6 boxes)]

I come out of the drift and my sensors begin their automatic scan as the E-drive begins its recharge cycle. After a few minutes, my sensors begin picking up strange readings. I can't quite make out what they are, but they're definitely not natural. 

As the Stardust gets closer, I start to see the source of the readings. It's a massive alien structure, unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's clear that it's not of human origin, and I have no idea what kind of technology and resources were used to have built something like this. 

Scans show that most of the composition is of some unknown metal but there are also organic components mixed into the structure as well. It is a feat of engineering, to say the least, and not something that humans can reproduce at this time in our evolution. 

As I get closer I can see signs of damage and decay on the structure. It's clear that it has been abandoned for quite some time. I spend the next few hours while the E-drive is charging to scan as much of the structure as I can. 

When the computer notified me that the E-drive was fully charged, I marked the location of the structure in my navigational logs and jumped into the Drift.

[Undertake an expedition +wits: 3+3=6 vs 1/8 (reroll 8 sensor array) 8. Weak hit. Mark progress at cost (8 boxes)]

The Stardust comes out of the Drift and my Klaxon alarm begins blaring. The computer informs me of a fire in the engine room and it triggered the fire suppression system. 

"What now" I mumble as I make my way down to the engine room. 

As I enter the room I can see that the E-drive was the cause of the fire. 

[repair +wits +gearhead: 3+3+1=7 vs 5/2 strong hit. +1 momentum (Gearhead) (8) 3 repair points.]

Considering I spent a lot of time tinkering with the Stardust I knew how to fix the E-drive, it was just going to be a time-consuming process. I was lucky I had the parts to repair the E-drive. 

Once the repairs were done, I made sure the E-drive started the recharge cycle and went back up to the bridge. The computer was beeping, letting me know it finished the automated scan of the area when we exited the Drift and it also showed I had a message on the comms.

"Computer, play the message," I said as I jumped into the pilot's chair.

"Attention all ships in the vicinity of Koshiba Station. This is an emergency broadcast. Our station is currently experiencing a critical malfunction in our systems. Our propulsion and life support systems are failing and we are in need of immediate assistance. We are a small community of salvagers and farmers, and we are in dire need of any spare parts or technical expertise that can be provided. We are willing to trade valuable salvage or agricultural goods in exchange for assistance. Please respond as soon as possible. This is a distress call from Koshiba Station."

I notice on the scans that there is a small inhabited planet with a dense atmosphere. It's mostly covered in thick jungles and forests, with rocky outcroppings scattered throughout. It's a beautiful sight to behold. 

Circling in the planet's orbit is a small orbital settlement, this must be Koshiba Station. Scans show that the station's power systems are in critical condition and life support is failing. There is currently 43 people on board the station. It doesn't look like they have much time before things become catastrophic. 

"Koshiba Station, this is the Stardust answering your distress call. I may be able to help." I said as I changed course and headed toward the station.

[End of session move: Will Abby be able to help Koshiba Station before the station power systems and life support fail? +1 momentum]

[End of session stats: Momentum 9, Health 5, spirit 4, supply 5, Integrity 5, progress on finding the energy source location for Mave 8 boxes, Discoveries Track 1 1/2 boxes]
